Year 11 Hub
We continue to offer a broad and balanced curriculum in year 11. Our teachers are experts in and passionate about their subjects, and they teach the curriculum with depth and rigour. In order to further support students with their skills and knowledge, a rigorous intervention and support programme is in place, utilising tutor times and after school sessions to revise key concepts and provide more individualised support to every student.
Students are also assigned an Assertive Mentor who is dedicated to ensure that everyone feels supported in academic and personal matters. This mentor not only supports with the academic learning required for GCSEs, but can also begin to help students develop their ideas about their hopes and ambitions beyond this year.
At the heart of our education at The Hinckley School is the understanding that students flourish when they feel valued for who they uniquely are. The Year 11 team consists of a Year Leader, Pastoral Leader and an experienced tutor team which constitutes the wrap around team. Collectively and in partnership with the Designated Safeguarding Lead and PSHE Lead, an extensive PSHE and Wellbeing Programme is delivered through a rolling programme. These sessions explore topical, age-appropriate issues in the modern world. Through discussion, students develop their understanding of social skills, moral judgements, spiritual beliefs and cultural influences.

The guidance we provide about Post-16 options, careers and apprenticeships plays an invaluable part in the development and fulfilment of our students’ academic potential and aspirations. All students will have an opportunity to meet with the school careers advisor to explore and make informed decisions about their future pathway. We are committed to providing an impartial, extensive and outstanding careers education to all students. Students will have an opportunity to visit our well-resourced ‘Careers Fayre’, where representatives from colleges, universities, armed forces, apprenticeships and industries will be present with abundant information. In addition, students will have an opportunity to explore our own Sixth Form provision and speak to our vastly experienced Sixth Form team.
The ethos of PRIDE (Perseverance; Respect; Independence; Discipline; Engagement) is fully integrated and embedded within the Year 11 curriculum and is at the heart of everything we do. We encourage students to take more responsibility for themselves around school.
Year 11 Hub Team
Year Leader: A Hale
Pastoral Leader: G Whittingham