Celebrating Our Best 9-1 GCSE Exam Results Ever!

The Class of 2022 celebrated impressive GCSE results on Thursday
Hinckley Academy staff celebrated alongside their Year 11 students on Thursday 25th August 2022 as hard work and dedication paid off with impressive GCSE results. Hinckley Academy, soon to become The Hinckley School, were delighted to celebrate their best ever set of examination results since 9-1 grades were introduced.
Celebrating success across the board, student destinations this year included apprenticeships, specialist performing arts schools and sixth form study, with a high percentage of students once again applying to stay and study at JC6, soon to be renamed as The Hinckley Sixth Form.
Ms Hickman, Headteacher said, "Our students have shown a real determination to succeed and flourish throughout their GCSEs, and we are incredibly proud of them. Our results this year once again reflect our strong forward trajectory to success, and it is wonderful to see our students gain the qualifications they need to continue the next steps of their education."

Liv who celebrated an impressive 9 GCSEs at grades 9-8, is just one of the many students who has decided to continue their studies in the new and improved sixth form centre at The Hinckley Sixth Form. After achieving exceptional results Liv is now looking forward to studying Maths, Chemistry, Physics and History at A Level and aims to go onto university to study Politics or History in the future. Liv said, “I have really enjoyed my time here and my teachers have pushed me to achieve my best. They went above and beyond to help me with revision sessions and extra work.” Liv is now looking forward to starting her sixth form journey and meeting new people with similar interests along the way.
Joining Liv at The Hinckley Sixth Form this year is fellow Year 11 students Trescha, who secured grades 9 in Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Business, and Michael, who celebrated 8 GCSEs at grades 9-7 including 5 grade 9s. Trescha is now set to continue her seven-year journey by studying Maths, Physics, Psychology and History, while Michael plans to study Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths. With impressive GCSE results already under their belts, Trescha aspires to follow her passion to make a difference by going into a career in Law, while Michael dreams of becoming a Medical Physicist, with both students crediting the support of teachers as helping them to succeed. Michael said, “Teachers have helped to push me, they helped me even when I didn’t believe in myself. Staying here for sixth form was an obvious choice for me.”

Celebrating by their side was Eli who was awarded 9 GCSEs at grades 9-6 and who aspires to go onto study Modern Languages with Economics at a Russell Group University, such as The University of Warwick, after completing his A Levels. Although a little nervous about starting sixth form, Eli is looking forward to the new challenge and took time before he left to thank the time and support made available to him by his GCSE teachers.
Ed whose results included 7 GCSEs at grade 9-8, aspires to have a career in business or economics and is looking forward to studying for A Levels in Business, Maths, Physics and Psychology at The Hinckley Sixth Form. “I have really enjoyed my time here; the teachers are great and I found the lessons really engaging. I am now looking forward to studying the specific subjects I am interested in at A Level and am excited for a new challenge – I definitely made the right decision choosing to study my A Levels here.”

Fellow student India is now well on her way to achieving her dream of attending a leading Drama School and gracing stage and screen following her impressive GCSE results, which included 6 GCSEs at grade 8. “I have had a really positive five years here and found teachers very supportive.” India said, “Studying Dance here has helped strengthen my abilities and I now feel ready for the next challenge. It has all been worth it!"
Hard work also paid off for students Jess and Joe, who will both start their A Level studies at The Hinckley Sixth Form next month. Jess who celebrated impressive results, including 6 GCSEs at grades 9-8, dreams of becoming a psychologist and is looking forward to her next chapter in the sixth form alongside old and new friends. Although nervous on the morning of results day, Joe was delighted to also celebrate great results, including 5 GCSEs at grades 9-8. Now ready to take on the challenge of studying four A Levels at The Hinckley Sixth Form after enjoying his recent taster session, Joe is looking forward to a new start.
Echoing the sentiments of all the staff at the school, Ms Hickman concluded, “The hard work and resilience shown by the Class of 2022 has been truly astounding, everyone at Hinckley Academy would like to wish them all the very best for the bright future we know awaits each and every one of them.”